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Feel free to contact us through details below or submit a contact form. We are ready to help!

Correspondence information

elem6 s.r.o.
U Nákladového nádraží 3146/6
130 00 Praha 3 - Žižkov
Czech republic

Bank details

2400320854 / 2010
IBAN: CZ76 2010 0000 0024 0032 0854
FIO Banka a.s. for payments in CZK
Account country: Czech Republic

Billing information

elem6 s.r.o.
Braškovská 15/308
161 00 Praha 6
Česká republika

IČO: 24232335
DIČ: CZ24232335

The company is registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, insert no. 200563.

Wholesale B2B customers

Correspondence information

elem6 s.r.o.
U Nákladového nádraží 3146/6
130 00 Praha 3 - Žižkov
Czech republic

Bank details

2400320854 / 2010
IBAN: CZ76 2010 0000 0024 0032 0854
FIO Banka a.s. for payments in CZK
Account country: Czech Republic

Billing information

elem6 s.r.o.
Braškovská 15/308
161 00 Praha 6
Česká republika

IČO: 24232335
DIČ: CZ24232335

The company is registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, insert no. 200563.

Wholesale B2B customers

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